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Author: JAISS

Hurtling Towards Disaster: Climate Change at Durban

Hurtling Towards Disaster: Climate Change at Durban

On 2nd March 2012, Prof. Praful Bidwai delivered a talk on the topic “Hurtling towards Disaster: Climate Change at Durban.” He exposed the capitalist political agenda behind the climate change talks and he also criticized the position taken by India at Durban. Dr. Rohan D’Souza from JNU was the main discussant.  Students and intellectuals participated in the discussion. …Read More: Hindi | English

Turmoil in West Asia and North Africa and Challenges and Strength of Vietnam

Turmoil in West Asia and North Africa and Challenges and Strength of Vietnam

The entire world was looking at the incredible happenings in west Asia with a lot of curiosity. Comrade Mamdouh Habashi, who is an active politician of Socialist Party in Egypt and also a scholar of international repute, was in Delhi. He accepted our request to talk about the specificities of various countries and the emerging situation in West Asia and North Africa. He delivered a brilliant lecture. Comrade Tran dac Loi from Vietnam was also present on this occasion and…

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Studying Agrarian Crisis

Studying Agrarian Crisis

In the year 2009, Joshi-Adhikari Institute undertook a primary survey to study the production and marketing trajectories of marginal farmers across the country. The purpose was to understand the breakdown of their fragile livelihood equilibrium under the neo-liberal policy frame. Marginal farm households constitute 70% of cultivator households in the country. The study was conceived and designed under the guidance of Shri S. P. Shukla and Dr. Jaya Mehta was the Project coordinator. Financial support was provided by PEACE, Action Aid and Focus….

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Agriculture in Pakistan: A Bleak Picture

Agriculture in Pakistan: A Bleak Picture

Taking the advantage of the presence o f Pakistani comrades in Delhi while they were on their way back from Aurangabad, JAISS organized a meeting at a very short notice on Pakistani Agriculture. Two comrades from Pakistan Kisan Sabha threw light on the crisis faced by Pakistani agriculture and plight of the rural masses. They informed that most of the arable land is in the control of military personnel and the land distribution is more skewed than in India. Comrade Atul Kumar…

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Remembering Prof. Arjun Sengupta

Remembering Prof. Arjun Sengupta

On September 29th, a memorial meeting to mark the unexpected passing of Professor Arjun Kumar Sengupta, distinguished economist and parliamentarian, was held at the offices of the Joshi Adhikari Instititute of Social Studies at 4 Windsor Place, New Delhi. The meeting was well attended by students and representatives of several organizations. Colleagues and peers of the late Professor, including Com. A.B. Bardhan, General Secretary, Communist Party of India, Com. D. Raja, MP Rajya Sabha, and Shri S.P. Shukla, former Member,…

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Peace Initiative Workshop of Medical Students

Peace Initiative Workshop of Medical Students

A “PEACE INITIATIVE WORKSHOP” of medical students organized by the IDPD for young doctors was held at New Delhi on 3rd and 4th April 2010 in AITUC building. The objective of the workshop was to have a detailed interaction with the medical students on the issues of peace initiatives and promotion of healthy environment and to plan strategies of action for the coming period. Prof. Ajay Patnaik, Director of JAISS, spoke on “Peaceful Coexistence”.

A Peace Week

A Peace Week

The JAISS and Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) observed a Peace Week from 7th November to 14th November 2008. As a part of this a seminar was held at Delhi on 8th November 2008 on the theme “Peace, Disarmament and Health – Challenges and Opportunities”.