Indian Republic: From cossroads to crisis? – Sharda Mitra memorial lecture
Shri S. P. Shukla made an inspiring and visionary speech. The title of the talk was “Indian Republic: From Crossroads to Crisis?” He outlined the worsening situation of the democracy and pro people values in our country. He enumerated number of economic and cultural policies which are used by the government to push the country towards an intractable crisis, which is nothing else than Fascism. He also pointed out the areas where pro people fight can be taken up by those who feel the responsibility of saving the people and the country. He put forward the idea of putting moratorium on the land transfers and making a land use policy at the national level. Thirdly, he said that simultaneously, the left forces should also make the “Cooperation” a political agenda so that the change in production relations can be brought and people can save their lives, labour and assets in a better way when they are connected to each other in a cooperative.
Before S. P. Shuklaji’s lecture, AIYF General Secretary Com. Thirumalai welcomed the guests. Former Gen. Secretary of AIYF Comrade Sandosh came from Kannur (Kerala) to attend the function and he briefly described the wonderful role played by PKV and Sharda Mitra in national as well as international youth movement. AIYF National President Com. Aftab Alam also shared the stage. The meeting was showered by the gracious presence of veteran Com. A. B. Bardhan as Chairperson. After the lecture, the session was opened for the questions-answers. Many young curious comrades asked the questions to which Com. S. P. Shukla answered. Organised jointly by Joshi-Adhikari Institute of Social Studies (JAISS) and All India Youth Federation (AIYF), the meeting was attended by Com. Amarjeet Kaur, Com. Lalit Surjan, Com. Vijay Pratap, Prof. C. Sadasiva, Com. Jaya Mehta, Prof. Subodh Malakar, Com. Anil Chaudhary, Com. Dhirendra Sharma, AISF Prsident Com. Vali Ullah Kadri, and many intellectuals, young and student comrades.
Recently elected President of Jawaharlal Nehru University Student Union, Mr. Kanhaiya Kumar was also felicictated by Com. A.B. Bardhana and Shri S. P. Shukla. He was presented a set of books.