Executive Committee

Executive Committee

Office Bearers:


Chairperson: Com. A.B. Bardhan (passed away on 2nd January, 2016. General council meeting didn’t take place since then.)

President: Shri S.P. Shukla

Director: Prof. Ajay Patnaik

Deputy Directors: Prof. S.N. Malakar and Com. Anil Rajimwale

Head (Academic and Research Wing): Dr. Jaya Mehta


Executive Committee Members:

Com. A.B. Bardhan
Contact: +91 11 23235546 | cpiofindia@gmail.com

Shri S.P. Shukla
Contact: +91 9689131533 | manjuspshukla@gmail.com

Com. Amarjeet Kaur
Contact: +91 9810144958 | ajkaur2004@yahoo.co.in

Prof. Ajay Patnaik
Contact: +91 9811588100 | akpatnaik@gmial.com

Dr. Jaya Mehta
Contact: +91 9971730447 | jaya_mehta@hotmail.com

Prof. S.N. Malakar
Contact: +91 9868898103 | malakr2003@yahoo.co.in

Com. Anil Rajimwale
Contact: +91 9868525812 | anilrajim@gmail.com

Prof. Anjani Kumar Sinha
Contact: +91 9818743164 | sinhaanjani6@gmail.com

Prof. Arjun Dev
Contact: +91 9810329473 | arjunleiah@gmail.com

Prof. R.C. Thakran
Contact: +91 9968243732 | rcthakran@yahoo.co.in

Prof. S.K.Chaube
Contact: +91 9871853485 | profchaube@gmail.com

Prof. K.N. Kabra
Contact: +91 9013504389 | kamalkabra@gmail.com

Dr. Gargi Chakravarty
Contact: +91 9868404851 | gchakravarty@yahoo.com

Dr. Dinesh Varshney
Contact: +91 9868813496 | dineshv@gmail.com

Dr. Meenakshi Sundriyal
Contact: +91 9953942347 | msu10@hotmail.com

Dr. Himanshu
Contact: +91 9891387312 | himanshu2@jnu.ac.in

Dr. Rupinder Kaur
Contact: rupinder62@yahoo.co.in

Ms. Krishna Majumdar
Contact: +91 11 41651309 | kelem31@hotmail.com

Ms. Krishna Jha
Contact: +91 9868702531 | whereiskrishna@gmail.com

Com. C. Chidambaram
Contact: +91 9958896560 | chidambaram.natraj@gmail.com

Shri S.S. Sisodia
Contact: +91 9891387312

Shri J.P. Sharma
Contact: +91 9810207230

Shri Sandip Dixit
Contact: +91 9818313534/9810141130

Dr. Biswanath Thakur
Contact: +91 9868087981 | bishwanathsis@yahoo.co.in

Shri Vineet Tiwari
Contact: +91 9818175205/9893192740 | comvineet@gmail.com

Dr. Fauzan Abrar
Contact: +91 9868553086 | fauzan311@gmail.com

Ms. Rahila Perween
Contact: +91 7503479540

Shri Kanhaiya Kumar
Contact: +91 9899074030

Shri Jitendra Singh

Shri Amit Kumar
Contact: +91 9013720988/9891037688

Ms. Sunita Kumari
Contact: +91 9868242343 | daanishbooks@gmail.com

Ms. Shanta Venkatraman
Contact: +91 11 27479774 | shanta1946@hotmail.com

The General Body authorized the Executive Committee to co-opt the Treasurer of Institute and also a few more EC members if necessary.